Concerto per Violino in Do maggiore n. IV dall‘ Opera 12 [RV 173]
The source of „Concerto per Violino” in C major RV 173, no. IV of the collection of 6 concerts Opera 12, is the printed edition of parts by Le Cène, Amsterdam, 1729, F-Pn, Paris, Bibliothèque nationale de France, Département de la Musique, RISM ID no.: 990067213. Caption title: “Sei concerti [g, d, D (no vl princ.), C, B, B] a violino principale, violino primo e secondo, alto viola, organo e violoncello ... opera duodecima”. The edition by Angelo Ephrikian, Ricordi, Milano, 1968, has been consulted.

Monday, October 5, 2020
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Version 1.0
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